
As a Christian, we are to love the things God loves, and we are to hate the things God hates.  An example, Proverbs 6:16-19 says, God hates a lying tongue and one who bears false witness.  Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent– the Lord detests them both (Prov 17:15).  Do you hate those things?

Just as there are things God hates, there are things He loves.  God loves honesty, mercy, & justice.  In these last 8 years I would be heartbroken and devastated to discover just how many in my immediate and extended family who love evil and hate good.  God sees ones heart motive, and He differentiates one from another based on the condition of one’s heart.  These distinctions are based on what one loves and what one hates.

As often in the book of Psalms, the ‘poor’ characterizes not necessarily one who has no possessions, but one who is without resources to effect his own deliverance (or secure his own life, safety or well-being.)  Proverbs 29:7 says, the righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.

Sings of Verbal Abuse is about my own experiences of verbal and physical abuse, specifically, from my two older brothers, Dennis and Jim Fife.  It is about the destruction of an entire family due to two men and a life time of their unrepentant sin of pride, anger, and their love of money; the root of ALL evil.

It is said that time heals all wounds.  Rose Kennedy would disagree.  She states that wounds remain.  In time the mind protecting it’s sanity covers them with scare tissue and the pain lessons, but it is never gone. 

People who are subjected to verbal abuse suffer.  People who are subjected to it over time can get so used to it that they lose their sense of themselves as people worth loving.  If you see yourself in any of these stories, know you are not alone.

Birds sing after a storm, why shouldn’t people

feel as free to delight

in whatever sunlight remains to them.

Rose Kennedy


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