Mom Distressed & Lamenting

June of 2014 my mother passed on.  Four months later I have the following warning dream;

My mom and I are in my brother Dennis’s living room.  Dennis is lying on his sofa watching TV with his back to us.  Mom and I are sitting directly behind him.  Quietly, I tell mom that I’ve not received the inheritance that she wanted me and the girls to have.  At the hearing of that mom became distressed and begins to wail.  “I wanted everything to be equal,” she said with anguish.  

I got the sense that mom’s lamenting was over two things,

1) Her desires concerning her Living Trust has not been carried out, concerning that everything be equally distributed amongst her three children.  

2) That which she had feared for many years had come to pass; that her sons would NOT do right by me when she dies; thus, her reason for NOT wanting Jim as a Trustee, she feared Jim would cause problems.   (I was told that Mom’s attorney, Roy Johnston, had said just that in the hearing of both my brothers, their wives, Jim’s son Peter Fife, and my daughter, Deanne.)

After that meeting with all the Fife members, Jim would seek every avenue to have me removed as Mom’s Trustee.  The following year after the meeting with Mr. Johnston, Jim finagled somehow and had me removed as Trustee; placing himself as Trustee of mom’s Trust, the very thing our mom did NOT want.  Dennis would not do one thing to rectify this injustice.

Dream continued – Mom is so distraught and wailing over this, her speech becomes affected and she can’t get any more words out after that.  Dennis would show no concern or interest in mom’s anguish. 

First, let me preface by saying, I have had several dreams that take place in or around my brothers home.  Dennis’s house is located in the ‘center’ of the Fife Family Farm.  Those dreams that have taken place there have represented the center, or the ‘heart’ of individual Fife family members, depending on who is actually in the dream.  

Mom’s ‘heart’ was lamenting over the cruelty of her sons actions toward me, because they took everything that should have gone to me, including, any monies that would have restored any damages to my inherited home; a home that Jim took by force and had been managing even after mom had become unable to manage her affairs any longer.  He would collect the rent monies up to one year after our mothers death to which he pocketed for himself.  

Dreams that take place in one’s living room is symbolic of relationships.  As an appointed Trustee of mom’s Trust, Dennis is responsible to see that mom’s wishes have been followed through with.  To show no concern, nor feel any responsibility for his duty as Trustee dishonors his mother which reflects his thoughtless, negligence in his relationship with his mother.  In Luke 12:42 – 13:9, Jesus emphasizes the duty one has when he is put in charge of his masters possessions.  48) For the one who has been entrusted with muchmuch more will be required of him.

Focus of the dream:

1)  Mom’s intense lamenting over the fact that her wishes had NOT been honored and executed, and

2)  Dennis lack of interest, concern, and sympathy.  Shows his negligence; his failure to take proper care in his obligations as a Trustee.

3)  Mom wails for herself and her children.  a.  She laments over her one child who has suffered at the hands of her corrupt son(s) whose greed has caused them to do such evil.  b.  She wails for her son whose fate will be far worse because he did not act justly toward his sister;  

As Jesus was being led up to the cross after being beaten and scourged, a crowd gathered, including, women who morned and wailed for Him.  

Jesus turned and said to them, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.  For a day would come when they would regret having borne children who were to endure terrible suffering, and they would long for some catastrophe in nature to put an end to their sufferings.  For if this was how the Romans treated an innocent person, how much worse would be the fate of guilty Jerusalem.  (Luke 23:26-31)

The one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be required of him.  Thus, three grades of punishment the judge will mete out in proportion to both the privileges each person has enjoyed and his response to those privileges.

Five months after I had this dream, March 2015, I heard the Holy Spirit give warning concerning those family members who beat, lied, and robbed me of my inheritance these past 8+ years, “reconcile and settle accounts before it is to late.”  “Before judgement comes to you.”

I have sensed a strong urgency in my spirit concerning this message.

3 comments on “Mom Distressed & Lamenting

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