Jim Fife, OCPD

A fool rages and is self-confident. He who is impulsive exalts folly. Proverbs 14:16, 29 OCPD – Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is a type of mental disorder in which the individual has a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behavior. This person has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, […]

Pride Invites Destruction

True religion is a life that expresses its accountability to God.  Though Jim Fife calls himself a Christian, he’s had no accountability for any of the verbal and physical abuses I and my mother have had to endure from him.  Can a person be truly religious and still indulge in abusive behaviors on a regular basis?  I […]

Dr. Turkey, Psy.D

It is not good to show partiality to the wicked,  or to overthrow the righteous in judgment. – Proverbs 18:5 –    Several years ago a former president of the American Psychological Association estimated that even today, three out of four counselors are ineffective.  Some evidence suggests that a majority of counselors are even harmful. […]

Conflict vs. Violation

Verbal abuse constitutes psychological violence. . . Patricia Evans, author of the Verbally Abusive Relationship says; Verbal abuse is a kind of battering which doesn’t leave evidence comparable to the bruises of physical battering.  It can be just as painful and recovery can take much longer.  The victims of abuse live in a gradually more […]

Defend Victims of Abuse, Speak Up!

Verbal Abuse is insidious. Verbal Abuse and its denial are crazy-making. Verbal Abuse usually occurs in secret. Verbal abuse takes many forms: from loud rants to quiet comments; from obvious put-downs to not-so-obvious remarks that undermine the partner.  What all the methods have in common is the need to control, to be superior, to avoid […]